Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hello Blog

Do you ever feel as though you just want to spill your guts and say all the things you've been thinking and hiding all day long? This is where I'll do that.

Tarsey Irene isn't my real name, but my favorite name from a doll-making book called Prairie People. For some strange reason, it has stuck in my head for years and years. It's very old-fashioned, and in many ways, I'm an old-fashioned girl.

Just call me Tarsey.

I'm the one who has an amazing husband called Superman, four kids and two stepkids, an evil ex-husband called The Villain, and a crazy-weird living situation that will probably make yours look peaceful and quiet. (Want to trade?)

It's been an exhausting day of meeting with the court lawyer (The Villain is fighting court-ordered child support. Again.) and dealing with car issues. Really, my car is only four years old, but has enough mileage to have become high-maintenance as of late. The oil light came on while I was enroute to see the court lawyer, so I went straight from that appointment to the dealer. Not yet due for an oil change, I asked them to find out what was up with the oil light. Hmmph! Cracked water pump ("did you notice any steam coming from under the hood?"), bad back brakes (fronts were replaced three months ago), and in need of transmission service. $1100. (Thats what made me cry.) Being unemployed, broke, and unable to talk to my husband who is out of town on business, I sat in the waiting room for an hour and couldn't decide what to do. It would be so easy to put the repairs on a credit card, but we're hardly making it from one month to the next, so how on earth would we be able to pay that back?

I remembered an old friend, Bry, who has opened his own garage and gave him a call. He could do the same work for $700, and I completely trust him. Whew! My husband was relieved that Bry was willing to fit in my repairs, so I dropped of the car. #2 son was available to pick me up and drive me to my apartment. I was much more calm by the time I got home. At 6:00 pm. What a long day.

Oh, and I hope Bry can figure out why the oil light came on.

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